In a surprising turn similar to a high-stakes espionage story, Elon Musk, the wealthiest person in the world, operates under the alias "Voyager" within his security team. This revelation, uncovered in a report by The New York Times, provides insight into the extensive security measures Musk uses because of his significant wealth and public visibility.
Over time, Elon Musk's approach to personal security has undergone significant changes. Initially known for leading a relatively low-key lifestyle with minimal security, by 2014, as his wealth and status grew, he adopted a more robust security protocol. This evolution included a rotating team of up to 20 bodyguards, some of whom are armed, as well as a medical professional dedicated to ensuring Musk's safety at all times. This enhanced security setup reflects his elevated risk profile as the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and the richest individual globally, with a net worth exceeding $250 billion.
The costs associated with Musk's security are substantial. Reports indicate that in January 2016 alone, Musk's security expenses surpassed $163,000. The overall expenditure on security in recent years has been significant, with Tesla's SEC filings showing that Musk's security company billed $2.4 million in 2023 and an additional $500,000 through February 2024. These numbers underscore the financial commitment Musk has made to protect himself.
In addition to personal security, Musk has invested in other protective measures. For instance, in 2022, he reportedly purchased a new residence to avoid public scrutiny of his previous address. The new property features 24/7 security, demonstrating Musk's proactive approach to safeguarding his privacy and safety.
Elon Musk is not the only tech magnate who places a high priority on security.Security is a top priority for many tech leaders, as seen with Mark Zuckerberg's significant personal security expenses at Meta in 2023. A similar trend is seen with Apple CEO Tim Cook, whose security and private travel costs were considerable. Tesla has also enhanced its security measures in response to threats, such as implementing stricter badge checks and addressing reported terroristic threats following a death threat against former CFO Zachary Kirkhorn.